Linkedin is a gold mine for marketers, and we have a solid reason to back this statement. According to LinkedIn marketing solutions, 61 million LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers, and 40 million are in decision-making positions.
In recent years, LinkedIn has shown an evident performance on the social platform. It is the largest professional network with an estimate of 500 million users, amongst which 37% belong to the age group of 25–34. It is not only used for job search but can also be used for building connections with individuals, advertise or promote a product, generate leads, etc.
Many B2B marketers publish their content on LinkedIn, marketers get 80% of their leads via LinkedIn. It allows one to make a personal profile and connect with the global business world. You will receive status updates regularly based on the connections you have made.
With the growing trend of content marketing, marketers have considered it as the best platform for sourcing relevant content. LinkedIn has become a platform where every kind of business is promoted. It is not possible that you will always get the desired content, but if you are active on LinkedIn, you can source and cater audience.
To help you in navigating LinkedIn as a marketing platform, here are some marketing hacks:
Make strong connections
When it comes to finding the target audience, no one can beat LinkedIn. With the help of LinkedIn, you can attract the relevant audience.
Finding the like-minded audience is the essential thing people do on LinkedIn, but you need to find targets to whom you can send personalized messages. Connect with them and grow your network. The wider your audience, the more your content will get noticed.
It is essential that you connect with employees on LinkedIn. According to stats by LinkedIn, employees have 10 times more 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn than a company has followers.
Employee advocacy is your biggest asset in LinkedIn. Encourage your employees to add the company and position on their profile, so that you can tap into their connections and build a stronger networking framework.
Content should be intact
Quality content will help you achieve your goals on any platform. If your content is good and has features that can help people solve problems or they can perform their job in a better way, it will help you in increasing your business. If you’ve read or written an article online which can help your followers, you can share that too.
However, if you are not getting a good response, you need to keep commenting and posting your content in the right place, which will help you in getting the visibility you want.LinkedIn recommends posting once or twice on weekdays to gain clarity. Also, try to include an image or link in your post; this results in a 2x higher comment rate.
Join the right group
One tip that all the business should follow is to join the relevant groups that will be helpful to them in generating leads. Participating in groups will help you to listen to the audience, and you can even get advice from like-minded people, which can be fruitful for your business.
You can share your ideas with them and see what they say in return for a better perspective. To check whether you’ve joined the right group, you can reflect on the number of active members in the group. Apart from that, cross-check what kind of information people share, how many comments they receive.
These groups can help you link with people from your industry while connecting with them, you can share that you have mutual groups. You can first engage with them on their posts on the groups and then send them a custom message of how you follow them.
Improve your company page
First of all, make a company page if you haven’t and keep on updating it. By making a company page, you will be able to establish a name in the market. Whenever your employees list their position, they would be directly linked to your company page.
Put all the required and relevant information on the page, and the content should be intact so that you get filtered visibility. You have to update your page so that your brand appears active regularly. If you are not maintaining the page consistently, then it will not yield results.
Don’t post any personal message
As you know that LinkedIn is a professional platform posting any personal comment or message will be quite unprofessional and will appear contextually incorrect.
You should not share any personal information over this professional platform. If you do so, you may also lose your existing connections or your professional credibility.
Increase your email marketing list
You need to invite people to become a part of your email marketing list. On LinkedIn, you can send messages to 50 people at a time. Make sure you are selective about your audience.
A direct link should be provided on your company page so that people can quickly sign up. You need to mention in the message what they will receive if they join your email marketing list and how they will be benefited. This will help you charter your email-marketing list with potential leads.
Make your content viral
Posting your content directly on linked can prove to be profitable for you. If your content gets a momentum then linked will put on spotlight behind it. Any of the select categories will be visible to several people, and you will get access to thousands of people.
This can help you boom your marketing strategy. You might not have got this exponential visibility if you have posted it on your website or blog. Hence, it is vital that you share your articles across social media platforms to garner higher visibility.
Content should be short
LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and the ideal audience here are influential decision-makers. They are not here to find long explanations or Buzzfeed quizzes. Hence it is vital that you keep your content on the point.
Apart from posting updates, make sure you incorporate infographics, links, and images to make your content lively. This will also increase visibility and readability.
Create your own LinkedIn group
Before creating your own group, you need to join other groups. You can enter a limited number of groups, i.e., 50. The groups which you participate will help you filter people and create a stronger network. Those who you wish to join your group can be selectively filtered from the groups you follow.
You can ask those people to join your group, once they enter your group, you will have all your prospects in one place. As this will be your own group, you can share the information with your group and generate leads after that.
Creative content
The content you write should be understood by the readers, this will help you engage you with the audience. If you write content using a lot of technicalities and advance language, only a few people will bother to read.
Your first priority should be that you should not use jargons or difficult language that can be understood only by experts. If people do not know what you are saying, then they will not comment or respond to your content.
Hence you will fall short of connecting with masses, which is the sole purpose of LinkedIn.
Be it any social media platform, you regularly need to update your posts and content. If you stop connecting with people even for 2–3 weeks you will lose your connections, it will seem unprofessional, and your audience will also lose interest in your company.
To ensure engagement keep sharing your company’s or colleagues best posts. This will help your followers and connections gain a little insight into how your company works and who are your colleagues.
Use hashtags
As hashtags are trending on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, etc. you can use hashtags on LinkedIn as well.
By using hashtags, your content will be able to reach masses and searchable. Using hashtags will increase the chances of your content be showing on someone else’s feed.
For your company’s profile, you can only follow specific 3 Hashtags. Keep shuffling these hashtags and reach out to people who post under a similar domain. This will help you connect with unique people and gain a market for your product/service.
Use videos
Though it is said that a picture speaks a thousand words but with videos can convey to the millions. Nowadays, companies are taking help videos to send their messages to the audience. Thus by using videos, you will be able to generate a mass audience.
Earlier confined to only company pages, videos are now available for individual profiles as well. There are diverse ways of using videos on LinkedIn — you can post your latest product development videos, showcase office culture, or just a Q/A session with a leader in your company.
Summary section of your profile
The summary section is the most looked upon a part of your profile, it provides a link to your technical experience and expertise. You can convey your profile and vision through this section. A quality summary section can give you leverage against your competitor’s profile
Many customers want to connect with the company for the product or service they provide, this allows you to communicate with them, by introducing yourself and the product in this section.
Provide your contact and other details so that it will be easy for people to reach you.
Stay on customers radar
After filtering the customers, you need to stay connected with them. Daily status updates should be strategized to gain visibility in your network. You can also share information that your customers are seeking through emails.
Provide testimonials, solutions, and challenges so that your clients are updated on your customer service. This will keep you connected with your customers while delighting them of your services.
Use professional photo
A professional photo adds a powerful impact to your profile. A well-presented picture should be kept in the pattern, as it is viewed by many other professionals from the industry.
The photo you have used should be of the present age and not very old. Do not use any filters on your picture, it should look professional.
These hacks will help you in understanding Linkedin in a better way and how you can use it so that it will be beneficial for you. You will be able to do marketing your company and connect with the audience, which will eventually increase your profits.
Remember that LinkedIn is a professional network that helps you build a secure connection and create a sensible system while having an insider insight to establish expertise in your Industry. You must use it to integrate credibility in your profile.
Originally published at https://recurpost.com on August 2, 2019.