326 Million Users, that’s the total number of daily active users on Twitter.
Twitter is a platform where you can engage with your target audience on diverse topics, whether it is Politics, Technology, Music, Arts, Pop-culture or any other trending discussion.
Moreover, there are almost 500 Million tweets posted per day. These statistics correspond to over 6,000 tweets sent per second. So if you have an opinion to share, no other platform is as impactful as Twitter.
It is an excellent platform used by various marketers to accelerate brand/individual growth. To reach out to leads who like your brand, you must create an intriguing business profile on twitter.
If you are starting with your twitter strategy, we suggest you should read this blog to create an engaging and impactful twitter marketing strategy — a win-win plan.
Twitter marketing is an essential pillar of your social media marketing strategy. To define in simple terms, your twitter marketing strategy should be all about publishing and creating content which will engage with your audience.
Often twitter is used as a platform to broadcast news or post about brand’s feature updates. This is where users lose touch with your brand. The tweets you send out should strike a conversation or initiate a discussion with the followers.
The goal of your marketing strategy should not just revolve around conversion, new leads, brand recognition or increasing sales; it should instead focus on improving your communication with followers for long-lasting relationships.
If your twitter marketing strategy is successful, you can open doors to a lot of business opportunities online.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of twitter marketing, keep this golden rule in your mind. In every social media marketing strategy, communication always plays the keynote.
Brand Profile
The first step to start with your twitter marketing strategy is to create a compelling brand profile. The moment users look at your profile; they should easily recognize it is you. To do so, create a username which is short, memorable and related to the brand.
If you are new to twitter, read this blog to understand how to create your profile.
Target has very well played with the colours in their twitter profile. The profile photo is their Logo, and their banner also contains similar colours as well. The major attraction here is the way banner is incorporated with the brand’s look.

Your profile picture plays a crucial role on twitter; it is the image that appears next to your every tweet. Placing a logo here will not only create brand awareness but will also maintain your trademark.
The next thing to tick off the profile making is creating a bio. Using 160 characters, you have to define what your brand is all about. This can either be your brand’s vision, milestones or something humor. Play with words to make your followers understand why you are different.
Take a cue from this description by Alexa; it is both witty and defines the features of the product.

Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats is the hidden treasure trove of Twitter Marketing Strategy, and only a few marketers use it to build an audience. It is the most effective way to find out the active and engaging followers for your brand.
Using a Twitter chat, you can interact with the users on twitter who are active on twitter. This audience looks forward to communicating with brands, rather than just consuming the available data.
Invest some time in adding value to your conversation. With Twitter chat, you can target people who are ready to interact with your brand; you have to give them a purpose to keep the conversation alive. Start with looking for Twitter chats suitable for your industry, and keep updating your chat patterns as you gain knowledge on how the users interact.
Strategic Tweets
Don’t just post tweets for the sake of being on the follower’s feed, craft strategic tweets. Plan and keep track of your editorial calendar.
Twitter is undoubtedly a platform to share information and create content that is relatable to the user. But with time, you have to schedule the content in correspondence with major events happening around the world.
Incorporate either festive marketing or moment marketing to rank in the trending hashtags. Do thorough research on what could be trending topics in that month and make your social media calendar for it.
You can also start a pre-festive campaign to create a hype amongst your followers. This marketing strategy will send out the content which people are looking forward to or have an excitement for. Hence, you can always be a part of their re-tweets or conversations.

This pre-Halloween campaign by Sunny Cross Stitches markets their Halloween products right before the occasion to increase sales with targeted hashtags.
Video Marketing
Video Marketing is a new sensation in the social media industry, and twitter also enjoys an active share of engagement from this viral marketing tip. According to a survey, tweets with videos attract 10x more engagement than regular tweets.
The consumers would rather watch a brand or celebrity video rather than reading the text. And it will also last longer in their memory.
If you are posting a blog link as a tweet, you can also include a video in it to grab the attention of the user to read the blog.
There are a lot of other factors involved in Video Marketing, read this blog to understand this new trend better.

Long Threads
Twitter is not just about making an announcement or broadcasting the news. It is more than the monotonous one-dimensional tweets, they should engage with the audience, as we said before.
Also, with limited characters to use, often conversation breaks into multiple sets of tweets. Hence, the message seems ambiguous on the follower’s feed. To get rid of this confusion of various tweets, you can work with long threads.
Your tweets should spark a conversation with the users, so they can’t be just blog links or motivational quotes. After tweeting, respond to the users by leaving a personal comment.
In the long threads, you can also add tweets after posting, thus un-limiting your thoughts or story.
All work and no feedback will not help you grow. With all the effort you put in, it is vital to track the progress of your goals. This activity will help you in finding out areas where you have to make improvements.
There are various paid analytics tools in the market, but to make your work easy Twitter has launched its own free tool called Twitter Analytics.
This feature will help you find analytics which is beyond the basic. The twitter activity dashboard has the following metrics which can explain how well is your content performing.
Engagement, Impression, Hashtag, Top Tweets and Contributors — these are the factors that help in tracking your goals.
If you have a business account, you can also incorporate Twitter Ads to your profile. Use Twitter analytics for the more in-depth insight of content your followers are engaging with.
Use Twitter for business tactics as well as the marketing tips and tricks mentioned above and get started sharing content on Twitter.
Originally published at https://recurpost.com on September 26, 2019.