Did you come across those vertical lip-syncing videos of your friends?
These videos are the most trending things on the internet in 2019, as a marketer — if you don’t know how Tik-Tok works as a marketing platform, you’ll be left behind your peers.
Tiktok is one of the best most interesting and virally app on this planet. Tiktok previously was popular by the name Musically, Musically was merged with Tiktok in November 2017. Tiktok enables you to record and share short videos.
Tiktok is mostly popular among teenagers. Even many celebrities are using Tiktok.
There are a lot of people who have gained popularity from Tiktok.
Companies are using these Tiktok influencers in promoting their brands. Tiktok has over 500 million monthly users who spend 52 minutes on Tiktok in a day.
The marketers want different channels to reach their target customers, and Tiktok is one such innovative medium to reach out to the target audience.
There is a hashtag challenge started by a celebrity Jimmy Fallon who started a challenge #tumbleweedchallenge that gained millions of views.
These challenges are now used to promote the products or services by influential personalities with relevant content to push the message to the customers.
How TikTok works?
There are two important sections on the Tiktok app -Feed and Discover. When you open the Tiktok app, at first you see your feed where you can see all the trending videos.
One thing that makes Tiktok different is that you don’t need to follow anyone to see their videos. You can just open their profile where you can see all their videos. You don’t need to go to the profile of the person whose video you want to watch regularly, you can just follow them and their videos will be visible on your feed.
With the help of the discover page, you can search users and even the hashtags, it will also show the trending hashtags and challenges.
You also have your own profile page where you can see your own videos, the number of followers you have, how many people you follow, and you can also see the number of views and likes you have got on your videos.
How TikTok is helpful for marketers?

Hashtag challenge
TikTok is full of challenges and it is a good way to promote, as you can spread awareness about your product or service which will help you in bringing back the attention of your customers.
Hashtags have the power to attract the audience interested in your product or service.
While creating a challenge you need to keep in mind the level of difficulty as it is common among people to show off things which are difficult to do.
If the challenge would not be difficult people will not give a try to it. Challenges are a good way to promote your brand without investing much time and money into it.
Guess launched an #InMyDenim campaign where the users could flaunt the way they wear jeans in different ways. Guess used influencers to start this challenge which gained 37.4 million views
Influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is not only restricted to Instagram or YouTube but it is also gaining momentum on TikTok.
Many brands have partnered with TikTok personalities/influencers to promote their products or services through them.
As these TikTok influencers have millions of followers who imitate what they are wearing, their style statement, and their preferences, you need to exploit this opportunity to generate dollar-worthy results from the campaign.
As a marketer, you need to leave the making of the video up to them as they are aware of how they can attract users to their video or feed.
You also need to be aware that the product you want to promote should be compatible with the influencer personality.
Letícia Gomes is one of the most creative TikTok influencers, she uses makeup to transform herself into different famous characters and celebrities. She has transformed herself into Albert Einstein, Freddie Mercury, and many more.
Brand takeover ads
Brand takeover ads are short videos, GIFs, or still images. The ad should be linked to a hashtag (if made) and the official page. A single brand can takeover only one category in a day.
These ads are effective as the setup is easy and convenient. It helps you reach to a wider audience in a contextual manner. You can also measure the success of these ads via impressions, click rates, and unique reach.
In-feed native videos
In-feed video ads can be 9–15 seconds long. These are full-screen ads similar to the ones on Instagram.
In-feed native videos are good for advertising and promoting brands with youngsters as their target audience.
You need to keep in mind that these ads can be skipped, so you need to have an interesting opening to the video (for better engagement).
You can also add website links and ‘order now’ button which will redirect the user to your desired web page.
You can also trace the usage of these ads through impressions, clicks, ctr, total video views, video engagement (likes and comments), video view time (3sec, 9sec, or full), and average video play duration.
Time constraint
If there will be no time constraint to perform a task or challenge people will keep on delaying it and will not participate in it.
Psychologically, if you keep a time limit to tasks, people tend to perform it within the given time-frame.
If you are offering any sale or creating a challenge with the help of influencers, you need to mention that it is for a limited period of time.
This will help create a hype within a short period of time for your product or service otherwise people will easily forget about it.
The Guess campaign lasted for only one-week that encouraged thousands of users to participate in it.
User participation
The most important thing in promotion is that the users should be able to participate in it.
Encourage the customers to make videos interacting with your products and ensure that they mention your brand while uploading the video on Tik-Tok.
A Chinese restaurant was requested to record the video of a popular dish prepared by them as per the customers choice of ingredients. This video became very popular and many customers shared this on TikTok which resulted in huge marketing success for the restaurant.
Have you started TikTok marketing?
Just knowing about Tik-Tok marketing is not enough, you need to start using Tik-Tok in your marketing mix, it is a relatively new platform that all the marketers should adopt if they haven’t.
By every passing month, the popularity of TikTok marketing is increasing. It’s better you stay ahead of your peers and strategically utilize the Tik-Tok platform for promoting your products or services.
You just need to download the app, browse a bit how other brands are doing the marketing and then start executing your plan.
Pay attention to the feedback provided by the customers, follow new trends, be creative with the content so that you can attract customers towards your brand.
TikTok is a fun, entertaining (and addictive) app, people spend a lot of time making videos on it. You can reach customers globally. It is the next big thing for your brand’s marketing portfolio.
Let us know if we missed out anything or if you have any suggestions for future articles.
Originally published at https://recurpost.com on August 8, 2019.